Interactive graphics
To facilitate easy exploration of the perovskite data we have developed a set of interactive graphics tools. Those enable simple interactive exploration of the data in the database. The interactive graphics are hosted by MaterialsZone. To reach the graphics, you will need to create a free account by filling out this form. Shortly after filling out the form, you will receive an invitation by email.
Figures generated by the interactive graphics are free to be used in any way.
Fill out the form to access the interactive graphics (for new users)
Sign in to view the interactive graphics (for existing users)
There are now 9 apps focusing on different aspects, with more to come.
Figures generated by the interactive graphics are free to be used in any way.
The apps are found under “Apps >> Perovskite Database Project” in the top menu in the MaterialsZone platform (see instructions above on how to obtain access to the interactive graphics).
General development
Focuses on the development of general device performance and enables filtering within the entire dataset
Record evolution
Sorts out the record cells given any number of specified constraints, e.g. for transparent cells, or inverted cells, or cells based on CsPbI3, or cells fulfilling any combination of constraints.
Band gap analysis
Focusing on comparing device metrics as a function of perovskite band gap
Specifically focusing on illustrating the development in device scaling
Focusing on perovskite modules
Enables filtering and visualisation of all devices with reported stability data
Outdoor testing
Enables filtering and visualisation of all devices with data from outdoor measurements. This is still a rather limited dataset, but we expect more of this in the future
Downloading data
Enables downloading either the entire dataset or any possible subset thereof
Uploading data
For uploading new data to the database